Leading From Within - Unleash Your Management Superpower

05/14/2024 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM ET


Research shows that people who know and use their strengths are more engaged at work, more productive in their roles, happier, and healthier. If you are a leader who wants to empower your people to perform better, this session is for you.

In this Learning Lab, we will discover how to create and sustain exceptional team performance and how to empower individuals by helping them understand and appreciate their unique qualities. Some of our goals will be to improve self-awareness and strengthen personal development. There will be an emphasis on operating from a place of strength and understanding the benefits of personal development.

After attending this session, the next step would be to take the StrengthsFinder Assessment, an online personality assessment tool. We will give you detailed directions on how to do that.

Meeting Location:  Virtual via Zoom

Cost: $60/Core Member; $85/Compliance Partner/Non-Member; Group Rate: 10% discount for a group of more than ten individuals from the same organization. Buy a Learning Lab Package for the best pricing.

CEU credits are available.